The Un-president... ...and the idiots that support him
George W. Bush... a man that holds the title of "President of the United States" even though he never really won it in the first place. He's the man who sent the youth of America into harm's way by invading Iraq in 2003. Apparently this was to find "weapons of mass destruction," but in actuality it is not that. In actuality, the war in Iraq is a message from George W. Bush- and that message appears to be "if you're in the Middle East, you're our enemy." Saddam Hussein, another asshole dictator, never threatened America before the war and the people of Iraq had not murdered innocent American civilians before this war. In March of 2003, a reporter went into Iraq and interviewed average Iraqis who said that they had no problems with the current government and one even went on to say that he "hates the American administration," and that he "likes the American people." I don't know about you, but after being bombed mercilessly for three days straight, I'd be a little bit peeved. Let me make something clear right now- people in Iraq are the same as people in America- and they're both the same as the people in France- and the same as the people in Canada- and the same as the people in Afghanistan, Italy, Great Britain, the list could go on and on, and I'll tell you why we're all the same... because we're all human beings. We all have emotions. But these assholes (the pro-war assholes) classify Muslims as being evil because Osama bin Laden happens to be a dick. The Muslims in the Middle East, the Muslims in Europe, the Muslims in North America are all being stereotyped because of the attacks on 9/11. Don't get me wrong, I'm sympathetic to those who have lost loved ones in attacks of terrorism, but one must remember what terrorism is. Terrorism is causing terror. The Muslims are good, peace loving people like you and I, but there is a severe minority that make them look bad, unfortunately. We have something equal to that and they are called pro-war Americans. War is pointless, it just causes more suffering throughout the world. Here is evidence that we are all the same on this Earth- a mother of an American soldier and an Iraqi grandmother. The mother of this soldier received a call one day that her son had been killed in action in Iraq. This brought many tears to her eyes as it would any of ours. Half-way across the world, there was a little operation called "Shock and Awe" going on- Iraq, which as aforementioned never killed an American civilian or threatened America, was under rubble in the course of one night. A woman emerged from the rubble and shed tears for her fellow countrymen lost, not to mention her family. The everlasting common between the two nations is this: we all cry. In my opinion people shouldn't have to cry. Tears should be obsolete because there should be no reason to cry. There was some speculation a while back that the government was thinking of reinstating the draft, to that I say: I am willing to fight and die for my nation, but not without first spitting at the person responsible for my being there, AKA: the president. Also, I would like to request that should the draft be reinstated that the children of every senator, congressperson, judge, and PRESIDENT be forced to make the trip and fight for their country as well. I don't think it is fair to leave all the fighting to the poor, especially when it's an unjust fight like this. I love America but quite frankly our government sucks ass. No one understands that when you protest a war, you're not protesting the troops. I want all of our men and women to come home in one piece but I also want them to leave the Iraqi people in less than two and more than zero. I'll bring up this point again, we are all equal, we all feel emotions- we all have rights. The right to an unjust death is NOT one of those rights. An unjust death should not come to citizens who have done harm to no one, but to criminals that have. So far we've rooted out only a minority of those criminals- we've just kept piling up civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. An American pilot fired on Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan because he thought they were the enemy even though his superior told him not to. We are all human- we are all equal no matter your age, race, gender or religion. A devout Christian is the same as a devout Muslim or a devout Jew or a devout Buddhist, Hindu, the list goes on and on- the people who can't see this need to open their eyes. There is a severe minority of terrorists in the Muslim community and people who cannot see that are blind sheep- and those people are the right-wing Christians who think they're superior- and the terrorists in the Middle East and Europe and everywhere around the globe are the same because everyone is looking for power, we're a power-hungry species. If there was one thing I could change in the human mind it would be the urge to hold power over another person. If you voted for George Bush, you voted for a terrorist. |