MUSIC Yeah, yeah, I know how it feels to be the odd-man out too. I don't particularly like one kind of genre... well, okay, that's a lie, my life is all metal and rock and roll (hence the banner). I don't like anything outside of it, really. I can tolerate the occasional punk song, maybe even a little bit of rap, but I will NOT listen to emo. In case you haven't noticed from the marquee on the home page, I HATE emo. I'd be depressed if I had to listen to that crap, too. For God's sake, they're whining about life when they make up to fifty grand per day? C'mon, honestly people. If you make fifty grand per day, would you be sad? Maybe if your love life sucked, but I very much doubt that what with most of these emo nerds being jocks or having the opportunity to be a jock. I'm not a big fan of the jocks or the emo kids, they're both either arrogant or gothic. Too bad they're too stuck up to admit that emo is goth revisited. I mean what other kind of genre complains because their girlfriend dumped 'em for some other guy? Doesn't happen too often in the music I listen to. Might be a little remorseful sometimes, but they don't fuckin' cry on the mic. I mean really, what the hell people? EMO!? I could've come up with a better fad than that. Why don't we all just listen to Beethoven? He was pretty cool. Deaf, too. Moonlight Sonata owns you all! LOL. Basically, emo sucks. Let's just leave it at that so I don't have to keep repeating myself.